Now, not later.


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Be the change!

With just 23.50€ you can change a child's life.

Across the world, 1 in 5 children are not able to attend school, often due to lack of money and equipment.

School in a Bag provide bright red rucksacks full of essential resources that enable poor, orphan, vulnerable and disaster affected children worldwide to write, draw, colour, calculate, express themselves, eat, drink, wash and above all, learn.

A typical SchoolBag contains: 12 pencils, 10 pens, 12 colouring pencils, maths set, ruler, pencil case, 6 exercise books, water bottle, LunchBox and a hygiene pack.

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How nice that you found your way here.

My name is Nathanael (aka Nate) I am 29 years old and just quit my job to go on a bicycle tour around the world. 

I am going to document my experiences through my
YouTube channel and on Instagram. If you want to support me you can do that in multiple ways.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why are you doing this?

I reflected some time to give an answer to that question. Change is an integral part of my DNA. Within the past eight years for example, I moved seven times.
I always seeked out environments which enabled me to get in touch with people from all over the world. I am thriving on making new experiences, meeting new people and being exposed to the unknown. Now I am taking it one step further by making “change” and all the new experiences related to that the central element of my life 😊

Are you a bicycle freak?

No, actually not at all. My longest bicycle tour to date was 70 km long. And I never did a consecutive tour across a couple of days so far. The bicycle turned out to be the most practical way of transport.
I enjoy hiking, but that is to slow and also you cannot carry enough luggage. A car and a motor cycle are more expensive, less flexible and you also get to be less in contact with the locals. With a bicycle you are fast enough - but not too fast, it is consideably cheap and you can carry enough luggage

How many kilometres do you want to ride every day?

I do not have a fixed goal for that. Especially in the beginning I am quite sure, that I will struggle until my body gets used to it. My rough plan is to be in Tiflis, Georgia by October this year. The distance to that is around 4.500 km. From my start day to end of October there are roughly 200 days, so I would have to ride 22,5 km/day to get there.
From what I have seen and heard from other people 60-100 km per day are realistic once you are trained a little. Obviously this is also highly dependend on the road conditions

How can you afford to do this?

On the one hand I lived quite frugal the last years and on the other hand it is not as expensive 💵 as people often seem to believe. Just think about how much rent you pay each month. The biggest variable expense per month for the trip is food (~300€ – depending on the exact location) and the biggest fixed cost is health insurance with 64€ per month. Of course there are some other costs which also add up, but that should give you a rough idea. I am also planning on sleeping outdoors a lot so the cost for accommodation will not be that high

Are you documenting your experiences?

Yes! I will create and upload videos regularly to my YouTube channel. Check out the "Videography" section for more details. Also, I am posting frequently pictures and videos on my Instagram page. And from time to time I will also write a Blog post

Is there a way to support you?

There is, please check out the "Support" section on this site

How long will you be on the road?

Between 1-3 years (counted in 🐈 years)

Are you crazy?

(I dont think so 🙃)

if you have any further question(s) feel free to reach out!


Planned route

I will start my journey near the place where I grew up and spent most of my life. My first destination  will be the city of Freiburg. From there, I will head towards Eastern Europe. I will explore the following countries Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. However, I will let myself be guided where I am drawn to. And my journey will not have an end there...

Progress and current location


The easiest way to support me is by subscribing to my YouTube channel. That way you will always be informed when a new video will be released. If you really wanna make sure to stay up to date also hit the bell icon. Best thing – it is completly for free!   

Follow me on Instagram if you want to see more frequent impressions of the trip

If you want to support me financially, that is of course also very much appreciated! ☺️ You can do so via PayPal (see buttons below) or via direct transfer

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to PayPal

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PayPal account (with fees)

If you want to support me financially, that is of course also very much appreciated! ☺️ You can do so via PayPal (buttons to the left) or via direct transfer


I bought my trusty bike at Velozeit in Hanau. Thanks again to you Jan for the good service and advice! The guys at Velozeit were kind enough to sponsor me a comprehensive spare parts kit (hopefully I won't have to use it so often)

If you would like to help fill this section then drop me a message!

Get in touch!

Get in touch!

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